Azul Gómez Noriega
Costalegre Partera Mexicana
My name is Azul, and I am a Mexican midwife. Midwifery entered my life during my last year of high school, and I fell in love with it. From that moment on, I dedicated myself entirely to becoming a midwife. I studied for a year in the Reproductive Health and Midwifery program in Tulancingo, but after realizing that the model wasn’t what I was looking for, I left. During that time, I volunteered at a birth center and completely fell in love with their model. I started my midwifery studies again at the same school, where I eventually graduated.
Throughout my training I have worked alongside many midwives in birth centers and attended home births across different parts of Mexico, as well as in public and private hospitals. I have worked in birth centers in Guadalajara, I have been part of interdisciplinary teams with gynecologists, and I have worked with independent midwives in Michoacán, Mexico City, and Querétaro. This year, to continue learning and exploring different approaches to midwifery, I started training in the United States and began the process to become certified there.
In addition to midwifery I am also engaged in advocating for social justice and have volunteered with various organizations, from literacy programs in marginalized areas and support for children living on the streets to defending and accompanying girls facing abuse and promoting menstrual education.
I love my work and the privilege of witnessing the power and sacredness of birth and the miracle of life. I am passionate about traditional perinatal care and self-managed natural gynecology. I firmly believe that midwifery is one of the most beautiful ways to care for the processes surrounding birth and that all women should have access to and the right to this kind of support—that is why I am part of this project.